Contributing to maplab¶
We would like to ask you to stick to the following procedure when using the maplab repository:
Use the google-c++ code style.
Follow the pull-request and review work-flow.
Never push directly to master.
Never merge branches that did not pass the build-server test-build.
Never merge branches with failing builds.
Prefer pull-requests which are focused on a particular feature/fix.
Prefer pull-requests that have a change-list of < 500 lines.
Write unit-tests for your code using gtest.
Follow the [[Verbosity Policy]]
Write at least one high level comment per method and class on the purpose unless the method name is entirely self explanatory.
Avoid comments that don’t contain additional information beyond the obvious.
After you cloned you have to run the following script to setup an auto-formatter and static-code analysis tool:
cd maplab